Eggs are a low-calorie food rich in protein and nutrients.
One egg has 7 grams of high quality protein, 1.6 grams of iron, vitamins, saturated fat, minerals and carotenoids.
It contains vitamin D which promotes bone health and immune function.
Choline, which helps with fetal brain development and boosts the metabolism.
Rich in protein.
They may be helpful even for weight loss if you eat them for breakfast.
How many eggs should we eat per day?
According to some researchers eating up to 3 eggs per day is totally safe for healthy people.
People with diabetes might increase their risk of heart disease by eating more than one a day.
Thomas Sherman said :Nobody need eggs to survive, they may contain many beneficial nutrients but nothing that can't be obtained from other foods.
So it depend on a person's diet.
If somebody wants to eat an egg everyday go for it, it is totally healthy.
Eggs boosts the metabolism.
Carbohydrates also boosts the metabolism but to a lesser extent than protein which eggs are rich in.
-Protein increases metabolic rate by 15 to 30 percent.
-Carbohydrates increases metabolic rate by 5 to 10 percent.
-Fats increases metabolic rate up to 3 percent.
Eggs are easy to prepare.
We can eat them as : baked, boiled, scrambled, poached etc...
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