
Besides delivering a nutritional boost it can also help kick nasty infections, too.
“Garlic fights all types of infections—fungal, bacterial, parasitic, and viral—regulates blood sugar, lowers blood pressure, and lowers cholesterol, to name a few.” Who knew all of these benefits could be packed inside such a small (and smelly) herb?

Here are some other health benefits of the veggie, amplified when raw as cooking dulls some of its nutrient-density:

 1. A nutrient powerhouse:

Garlic is fill of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, vitamin c, iron, potassium, and copper.

 2. It’s anti-inflammatory:

Garlic contains allyl sulfides, an anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting compound that studies have shown to slow the growth rate of cancer cells.

 3. It’s good for your liver:

Studies have shown that it can protect the liver from some toxins, and help lower blood sugar levels.

Side effects 

Eating raw garlic is not as easy at it sounds, FYI. For starters, it can be super intense and even cause a burning sensation once you start chewing it.

Other potential side effects include “gastrointestinal burning or irritation, heartburn, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

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